The four days I spent in San Francisco were all sunny and bright, perfect for sightseeing. And thanks to some really cool friends, the trip was awesome. On our first day, Mark (Max Toy Co.) took us on a short tour of the city. We visited the far side of the Golden Gate Bridge, and had a perfect view of the bridge and city. I also got to see Mark's amazing Ultraman collection. Day two was Brian's (Super7) tour, which included the nearer side of the bridge, a nice drive through Fisherman's Wharf and along the coast, some shopping on Haight, and some other shopping spots. The next day we went to Monterey, where we met a huge otter and visited the aquarium. On day four, another Mark showed us around town. We did quite a bit of shopping, ate burgers, went downtown, and had a nice dinner at the Tonga Room. The Tonga Room is an old tiki bar/restaurant in the Fairmont Hotel. It features tiki decor, complete with pond and occasional thunder storm, and serves Chinese/Asian food. A little pricey, but great atmospehere. I had such a great time in SF, I want to go back again very soon.